Saturday, January 21, 2012

Favorite actors

And what would films be without actors?
There are many actors I like, some I loath and some are just downright annoying. My favorite actors are not my favorties just because of their amazing skills but also because of the movies they create (actors became my favroties based on the movies they star in) and the fact they come across as genuine human beings and I respect them. I will write more detailes about this later but here´s the list.

Male actors
-George Clooney
-Leonardo DiCaprio
-Johnny Depp
-Geoffrey Rush
-Colin Firth
-Heath Ledger
-Nathan Fillion
-Stephen Fry
-James McAvoy
-Rowan Atkinson

Female actresses
-Anne Hathaway
-Natalie Portman
-Helena Bonham Carter
-Cate Blanchett

Favorite films

What better way to kick off this blog that to share a list of my favorite movies. I will then review them one by one and share my opinions and thoughs on them and most of all why I love them. There are so many movies I love and are long time favorites so the list that appears here is not every single movie I love but it´s a pretty comprehensive list. I´ll add to it or subtract as more movies spring to mind.

-Beauty and the beast
-Lion King
-Mary Poppins
-Monsters inc.
-Aladdin trilogy

-The other Boleyn girl (my most favorite film of all time)
-Pride and Predjudice
-Becoming Jane
-The Duchess
-The king´s speech
-Tuck everlasting
-V for Vendetta
-Phantom of the opera
-Lord of the rings 1-3

-Pirates of the Caribbean 1-3
-Your highness
-Little Miss Sunshine

Non English/American films
-Les choristes
-El orfanato

The many wonders of the white screen

So what is the purpose of this fabulous blog? In short it´ll be dedicated to films. I am a total film buff and have been for years. I love watching movies, discussin them, thinking about them and obsessing over them. And since I also love writing and what better way to obsess over one of my favourite hobbies than to write about them :) I have no idea where this blog is going or what it´ll be like but I expect I´ll review my favorite movies and movies that stick to mind, talk about my favorite actors and various issues concering films, both critical and petty and express my opinions. So jump along on the ride!